
Convention 2024_1
Photo courtesy of Andrew Bellamy (Worthing) 

Annual Convention

A one day Beekeeping Convention is held annually at the beginning of the year.  It is intended to suit all abilities and as well as the main lectures there is a choice of seminars to attend.

Next year's event will be held on Saturday 28th February 2026 in the Bradbury Hall, Lodge Hill Centre, Watersfield, Pulborough. 

Reception opens from 9am.  Introduction and Welcome at 9:30am




The West Sussex Beekeepers’ Association was again pleased to invite beekeepers and all those interested in bees and beekeeping to its Annual Convention in February 2025.  The event was designed to suit beekeepers of all standards.  As well as the main lectures, the seminars offerd a choice of more specialised topics.   The Bradbury Hall at Lodge Hill, Pulborough was again the venue and featured an impressive blend of lectures and seminars.  

Main Lectures

                   'inside the Hive - Ventilation, Insulation, Bee Space and the Cluster' – Dr Jane Medwell

                   'Varroa Resistance Explained and how Beekeepers can Benefit from this Knowledge '

                    – Professor Stephen Martin

                   'Spring Management and Swarm Control'  – Anne Rowberry


In addition there was a choice of seminars

Seminar 1 

                   1)    'The Demaree and More' – Anne Rowberry

                   2)     'The Honey Bee's Head, under the Microscope' – James Donaldson

                   3)     'So you want to be a Swarm Collector' – Tom Moore

 Seminar 2 

                   4)     'Moving away from Varroa treatments' – Professor Stephen Martin

                   5)     'Comb Change - Why, What and How' – Dr Jane Medwell

                   6)     'The Magic and Mystery of Drone Congregation Areas' – Dr Stephen Fleming


Advance booking per person, WSBKA members £30

Members of other Associations and non-members £40

On the day if space allowed £40

Speakers' Profiles


 Details of next year's Convention available from Viv Sallows on 01293 871092 or 07749 265944

or on email [email protected] 


 We look forward to seeing you in 2026